Rolled out of the VRBO at 8:00 ready to cross another state line. Again today we were on rural roads, passing fields of very young corn, wheat, and plowed fields ready to plant.
When we were on those quiet roads we could really hear the abundant bird population. That was a treat for our ears… soon after we had a visual treat… these sweet alpacas that were recently sheared. They were a bit nervous, but very curious.
Because we were on the rural country roads (Backwoods Rd to be precise), we didn’t pass the billboard that welcomed us to Virginia. Since my Google maps app was on we knew when we crossed the border because I a visual and auditory message came up “Welcome to Virginia“. 
Our first stop in Virginia was at this boat crossing. It was interesting watching the swing bridge turn 90 degrees to allow the boats through. 
First planned stop was at the Trek bike shop. It was squirrely getting there, but we were happy have a new patch kit, 4 new tubes, a new tire and 50% off arm warmers that advertise Virginia Beach.
We were early to the hotel (which is right on the beach) and the room was ready for us. We found out that just 2 days before there was a tornado that touched down. The only people on this big beautifu, cold and windy beach were city workers taking down the many stages/structures that were put up for the concert that took place the previous weekend. We heard that the festival was canceled on Sunday due to the storm.

Of course we explored (within walking distance) Virginia Beach area. There is a 3 mile long boardwalk and tons of tourist trap shops, restaurants, and a few breweries and pubs.
First stop.. snack and flight at Bunker Brew Pub.
Took some time to check out the various memorial structures, murals, artistic statues/structures and the beach scene.
These first collages are honoring native Virginians.
Of course we found our way to Vibrant Shore Brewing Company to share a flight. (FYI- a flight is typically four 4oz pours… so it is like sharing a pint 😊)
Dinner at Atlantic On Pacific was wonderful! We enjoyed oyster shooters and various small plates that included muscles, crab and other shellfish. 
So glad to know you made that leg safely. Another set of brew pubs!!!!