We both agreed it was a brilliant call. The 43 mile ride into Cleveland was easy and pretty much painless. Past fields of corn, wheat, and soy.

Stopped in the desolate town of Shaw that had a small, sparsely stocked general store where we purchased a drink. We chatted with the owner of the store about how so many towns, like Shaw have turned into virtual ghost towns.The stories of the hurting economy are heartbreaking.

Since we arrived in Cleveland around 10:30, we thought golfing at the local 9 hole would be fun. We found the course, but had challenges finding the proshop. We asked directions from Bob, and he strongly suggested that cut through his backyard and take the second cart path to the proshop. He seemed so confident that we did just what he suggested. Ends up only the maintenance crew was on the course and it was closed until 1:00.
So, the next line of business was to find a place to have a lunch. We found a fabulous place called Hey Joe's where we enjoyed a great cold brewsky and some tasty grub. It had a great atmosphere... Exactly what we were looking for.

After checking into our hotel and changing yet another flat on my bike, we headed to the golf course at Delta College 9 hole course. We each lost a ball in a unknown/unseen water spot! :-(

After our golf round and minutes after this photo the wind kicked up a storm. First dust, dirt and anything that wasn't tied down was flying about. Up until that point we hadn't seen many golfers, but just then a swarm of carts came racing in. Our choice was to wait there or make a mad dash on our bikes for The Sweetery less than a mile away. Of course we decided to make the dash. Time spent enjoying a treat and entering today's blog while the storm passes... what could be better.
Location:McKnight Rd,Cleveland,United States
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